An eco-friendly campus concerned with the well-being of its students and the environment. It respects human values and implements concrete CSR initiatives.
For a number of years, the IUT has been committed to a sustainable development approach, which now focuses more broadly on social and environmental responsibility. This approach is based on 5 key areas: Raising awareness, Taking action, Sharing, Innovating and Communicating.
An exceptional site thanks to its location, a peri-urban "green campus", with the award of:
- An "LPO refuge" label (Agreement with the League for the Protection of Birds signed in December 2021)
- A "Trophée des Campus Responsables Francophones" in the "Student Involvement" category (Association Utopies and the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition - February 2020).
Encouraging biodiversity
The campus has a number of features demonstrating its commitment to biodiversity, including:
Shared garden
The IUT's shared garden is available to the IUT staff and students under certain conditions during the site's opening hours, i.e. Monday to Friday from 7.15am to 7.30pm (excluding university holidays). There are a number of plants, including apple and cherry trees.
250 rose trees
Installed in 2020, they flower between June and September. These roses were created by Dominique Croix in 2019 in collaboration with LBVPAM researchers to mark the 50th anniversary of Jean Monnet University.
3 sanctuaries for insects
Chrysopes, bumblebees, bees, solitary wasps (megachiles, osmies...), hymenoptera (pemphredons, wasps, cuckoos), wood-eating insects, forficules, carabid beetles... These are the various insects found at the Saint-Étienne IUT.
3 beehives since May 2019
They are made up of Anthophila bees, social hymenopteran insects (apidae), some species of which are bred (beekeeping) to harvest the honey and wax produced by a colony housed in a hive. They play an important role in plant pollination, reproducing over 80% of all plant species. In fact, when they collect food resources (nectar and pollen), they cover themselves in pollen, which they feast on by foraging from flower to flower, enabling them to reproduce.
This is a collaborative project set up by students from the Biological Engineering and Business and Administration Management departments, AGRONOVA campus (Saint Genest Malifaux site), and IUT staff.
The sheep were 6 Soay sheep. The Soay sheep is a very hardy breed from the tiny island of Soay, in the Saint Kilda archipelago in Scotland. Closely related to the mouflon, it is known for its hardiness, resistance to disease, sobriety, natural moulting and intelligence.
Wildlife protection
5 bird nesting boxes (2021), 2 winter feeding areas, 2 protective grids for hedgehogs, anti-collision stickers on windows, etc. The LPO has identified 13 bird species (redstart, swift chicken, green woodpecker, black kite, black swift, black-headed warbler, kestrel, sparrowhawk, jackdaw, etc.), as well as bats, hedgehogs, brown squirrels, grey squirrels, rabbits, roe deer, etc., as well as bats, hedgehogs, brown squirrels, grey squirrels, rabbits, roe deer...
Chicken house
Introduced in March 2023, the hens help to recycle organic waste and provide a natural fertiliser for the garden.
Since 2024, we also have a pond within the IUT to encourage eco-responsible practices and attract certain types of biodiversity.
5 water fountains
- Hall des amphis, centre de vie, Building. C, Entrance to building. D, Amphi Indigo.
- 4 drinks dispensers with mug detection and discussion with the service provider about more responsible products.
- Optimised waste management;