Tia (Indonesia)“Thanks to the International Relations Department, which does an excellent job, I was able to sort everything out when I arrived, so I wasn't lost and felt safe”
Hello, my name is Tia and I'm from Indonesia. I joined the TC department in September. Thanks to the International Relations Department, which does an excellent job, I was able to sort everything out when I arrived, so I wasn't lost and felt safe. The IUT has organised events for international students, which is great for getting to know other students and decompressing before homework.
I discovered that the French like to have an aperitif and that meals are very different with lots of stages: aperitif, starter, main course, cheese, dessert and coffee. Wine is also very important. In my country, it's often a main course and sometimes a dessert. I was very shocked by the kiss. I'm not used to it at all.
On the other hand, it was difficult for me to adapt because I live alone. Fortunately, I live at the Crous and meet other students, which gives me the chance to talk to them and improve my French. I've had to learn to cook because back home I never cooked, but over here you can easily buy food at low prices.
I face many challenges: being far from my family, the cold even though I come from a tropical country, the language barrier and following the courses. I have to work hard to succeed.
I've been able to discover a foreign language that I'm studying at the IUT, Spanish, and I particularly like it.
After graduating, I'd like to work for a year in France to find out about the world of work, and then I'll go back to work in marketing in the hotel industry in an Asian country or Australia.