Basics in experimental physiology

Basics in experimental physiology

Basics in experimental physiology (animals and plants) and botanic

ECTS: 12
Department: GB
Degree level: 2nd year of Bachelor.
Teaching contact hours:  Lab work : 10*2,5h / Outdoor activity : 8h / Theoritical distance learning : 8h Exam 2h / Personal Tutorial: 2 x 1h (a total of 40 hours).
Instructors: Anne CACHAT and Laurent VILLERMET

Course topics

  • Courses underline the role of plant hormones in plant development and growth, mineral nutrient absorption and photosynthesis. It will explore some aspects of cell biology and animal physiology (metabolism, osmoregulation, heart activity, enzyme kinetics, blood components). Labs aim at getting familiar with techniques used in cell biology and physiology, Skills : using lab material (spectrophotometer, micropipette, separatory funnel, centrifuge…), learning good laboratory practice standards (organization, rigor, safety rules), designing and conducting experiments, applying elementary mathematics, physics and chemistry to biology, handling of a laboratory notebook, performing cell identification, cells cultures and cell staining, working in sterile conditions and studying enzyme kinetics.