Economic issues
Department: GACO
Degree level: 1st year of Bachelor
Teaching contact hours: 18
Instructor: Aymeric LARDON
Learning objectives
Following on from with the objectives of the first semester (General Economics course), the Economic Issues course aims to enable students to:
- Develop analytical skills.
- Identify the long-term issues that have transformed economics.
- Understand economic articles (in French or English).
Course topics
The Economic Issues course focuses on long-term dynamics in economics. Accordingly, the course deals with:
- Business cycle theory.
- Long-term issues (innovation, globalization, structural change and crisis).
- Long-term economic policies (mostly at EU level).
- Financial globalization.
- Role played by institutions (IMF, central banks and WTO) .
Teaching method
- Group of 28 students: weekly 1.5-hour seminars (“TD”)
- Group of 100 students: weekly 1-hour seminar (in French)
- Analysis Exam: 1/3
- Economic Issue Project (during the semester): 1/3
- Final exam: 1/3
Entry requirements
- Student should have validated the General Economics course (Autumn Semester) to understand this course.