Microbiological control of recreational water and soil microbiology

Microbiological control of recreational water and soil microbiology

Department: GB
Degree level: 1st year of Bachelor
Teaching period: Lab work: 18h / Tutorial: 3h / Theoritical distance / learning: 12h / Personal Tutorial: 2 x 1h
Instructor: Stephane LIEBART

Course topics

  • Be able to perform microbiological analyses of recreational water (smimming pools, bathing water)  in compliance with rules pertaining to quality, using standardized methods for Coliforms, E.coli, Enterococci, P.aeruginosa, Viable micro-organisms, and pathogens Staphylococci.
  • Be able to enumerate the heterotrophic soil microflora using solid (surface inoculation) and liquid media (MPN method), nitrifiers and denitrifiers. Master the tubes MPN methods and techniques using liquid (microplates MUD and MUG, Colilert and Enterolert) and solid media (Fitration and incorporation).
  • Be able to determine the productivity of a culture medium using a standardized method (ISO 11133:2014). Be able to calculate and express the results according to January 2008 NF EN ISO 8199 standard.
  • Be able to interpret results and  propose corrective measures in compliance with normative and statuory documents.
  • Be able to write up reports.