Molecular biology
ECTS: 10
Department: GB
Degree level: 2nd year of Bachelor
Teaching contact hours: Lab work: 9h / Tutorial: 6,5h / Theoritical distance learning: 15h / Personal Tutorial: 1h (a total of 31.5 hours).
Instructor: Severine ALLEGRA
Course topics
Molecular biology focuses on DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in cells and is closely related to the fields of cell biology, genetics, genomics, and biochemistry in the context of environmental applications. Some tutorials are dedicated to review a scientific paper about the use of recent molecular technologies to resolve an environmental issue. The purpose of the 6 practical work sessions is to enable students to use some of the most common molecular biology techniques (as qPCR, flow cytometry, bacterial transformation...) and is a part of a real basic research project of UMR 5600 EVS-ISTHME.